

On the 2nd of January 1979, Anastassios P. Kipouropoulos, a certified Naval Architect Mechanical Engineer and member of T.E.E., established his own technical naval architecture office that initially worked on the designing of simple ship studies & calculations. The operation of the naval architecture office concurred with the military service of A. Kipouropoulos in the Navy, during which he served as a researcher and supervisor naval architect of the Navy in Skaramangas Shipyards, during the construction and delivery of the first Greek-made PYRAVLAKATOI. Within a small period of time, the technical naval architecture office begun to work on ship studies & calculations and supervisions of new constructions and retrofits of all kinds of ships as well as performing other studies & calculations always relative to ships.

The continuous growth of the office's businesses, made necessary the creation of a, primitive in the beginning, organizational framework which coincides chronically (1990) with the transfer of the headquarters of the naval architecture office to the new, self owned, offices, to the shopping center "TERPSITHEA", in Piraeus (55-57 Iroon Polytechniou avenue). At the same period the naval architect office is equipped with high-technology systems for studies & calculations (both hardware and software) and whole ship planning systems (that is, the technical and economic programming of businesses with regard to the ship) that are renewed and kept updated at all times, following the international progress until today.

The structure of "ANASTASSIOS P. KIPOUROPOULOS" Ltd. at the time was enough to cover the departments of shipbuilding and retrofitting, technical and economical programming and finally ships' inspection. The main goal of the company now, becomes the step by step coverage of even more supply ranges of technical and scientific services relative to the whole ship. Thus, the business horizons are continuously growing and widening at the same time with the assumption and completion of various types of businesses, with regard to almost all types of ships, which operate in the Greek and international seas. A new necessity of our company's continuous activation on ship's safety was the coding and arrangement of all Greek regulations (decree-laws, legislative decrees and ministerial decisions), international treaties and Instructions of the European Union which refer to this subject. This way, the correctness of the procedures and therefore the reliability of the services provided to the company's clients was ensured. All the efforts for the administration of "ANASTASSIOS P. KIPOUROPOULOS" Ltd. aim to offer quality services to its clients, to the center of which, are the safety and the respect for the human life and property, and of course the protection of the environment. The continuous effort for the services' quality improvement acquires a dominant role within the company and thus, a Quality Management System is installed according to the requirements of the standard EN ISO 9001:2000 and which finally was certificated by the Certification Organization TUV Austria Hellas on April 2004. With the Quality Management System, "ANASTASSIOS P. KIPOUROPOULOS" Ltd seeks for: Success and not just maintenance but continuous improvement of the quality of its services, so that it satisfies the demands of its clients. Continuous examination of the tendencies in the section of the services that it provides, in order to be prepared in time and to be able to respond to similar demands. Conveyance of confidence to its clients.

The actions of "ANASTASSIOS P. KIPOUROPOULOS" Ltd. are driven by two principles: PERFECTION and QUALITY. The first principle is reflected in the way the company runs and the second one is reflected in the quality of human potential that is extremely specialized in the object of the company and the quality of its services and communication. "ANASTASSIOS P. KIPOUROPOULOS" Ltd. has set its quality policy mainly from the desire to supply services, always according to the clients' demands, the conditions of the market and the competition, the current legal system, the contemporary know-how, the capabilities of quality control and other factors that refer to the business position of the company in the market. The general goals of the services' quality, which is sought by "ANASTASSIOS P. KIPOUROPOULOS" Ltd., are summarized in the following points: Effort for provision of quality services with final goal the growth of recipient's satisfaction. Continuous update of the company relative to the technological progress. Continuous effort for standardization of the services provided, in a way that promotes and secures a friendly and effective service.

Development of unity bonds with its clients. Today, "ANASTASSIOS P. KIPOUROPOULOS" Ltd. uses an organizational framework that covers the following sections: Quality Management Section, Secretariat & Supplies Section, Studies & Calculations Section, Inspection Section, Technical Support Section, Surveillance & Survey Section, Ships' Safety Management Section. On our client list, are included companies with whom we have cooperated in constructions, retrofits, repairs and inspections of their ships more than once. This imprints the continual effort of our company, not only to maintain but to improve the quality of services it provides.

+30. 210. 4296597