Being a concept design, with this chosen size we would be able to cover the range between 40-45m with the same propulsion plant and with only the relative space modification.
Diesel Electric Propulsion plus Schottel Twin Propellers
The flexibility on the power management coming from the Diesel Electrical Propulsion Plant, is an advantage to which we think not logic renounce.
With the 3 (or 4) installed DD.GG. (2 bigger and 1 or 2 smaller), it is possible optimise the fuel consumption during all the 3 main service configuration: Maximum Speed, Cruise Speed, and Range Speed.
Range Speed (3000 Nm @ 10,5 knots) would be reached with only one of the two big generators running.
With the choice of Schottel Twin Propellers (2 STP 330 model), instead of conventional shaft line propulsion system, several advantages can be achieved: to arrange with more convenience and flexibility the engine room, avoiding to adopt a longer shaft line or to place the engine room just below the guest cabin area (instead of below the crew area like now); to reduce the engine room height (normally higher where conventional shaft line are installed), in order to accommodate passengers/crew space just above the room, below the main deck, and keeping at same time a longitudinal profile enough slender. But also from legal/contract point of view it’s possible gain considering the following: since the twin propellers alone play the role which, in conventional propelled vessel, are played by rudder, rudder machine, propellers, shaft line and gear boxes together, in case of any propulsion system damage it would be only one company as reference (and guarantee), avoiding in such way eventually investigation and dispute, when the source of the damage is not so evident, on which element is responsible for the damage and which not (for instance propeller could be damaged and generate vibration and bad work on the shaft line and gear boxes, or vice versa…).
The excellent manoeuvrability characteristic (360 degree), provided by the STP, offer the natural benefit when approaching and entering also in narrow marinas.
The induced vibrations level reduction when adopting such type of solution is well noted if comparing with conventional propulsion system, and much more appreciated (and necessary), when cabin areas are arranged just above the engine room.
Photovoltaic Cells, high performance batteries, Green philosophy and benefits
With an available surface of about 160 sm (the entire top of the vessel), it would be possible accommodate photovoltaic cells capable to generate up to 20 kWe.
The above maximum instant power generated by the cells is not elevated (about 1,5% of the total available power), just suitable to run such “toys” like Sauna and Jacuzzi, but the main purpose would be to storage this additional power in dedicated batteries pack (400 kWh about, Corvus Energy Ltd. supply) and use it as necessary when entry/exit to/from marinas or when shipping through protected and uncontaminated areas at low speed (4-5 knots).
From economical point of view, it have to consider that in the last years it has been recorded a continuous reduction on the solar technology cost of about 20% per year, and at this time we recorded it would be possible install the above mentioned quantity of cells at a ridiculous price if compared with the total vessel budget: the ROI would depend on the global shipping time of the vessel.
But also, the cells will run also when at berth without people on board and with equipment almost turned off: through dedicated inverters the cells will deliver energy to shore and feed the marinas and/or the local electric net.
We are in such way looking to the future, when the global environmental politic will involve economical and fiscal benefits toward such type of vessels (Ecobonus).
Even on the Green side, we are of course continuously updating the list of Green technologies and suppliers: from glass to paint, from lighting system to furnishing material and exhaust gas after treatment, etc. The most advanced PMS would be installed.
Focus on the General Arrangement
The main innovation we are introducing is a ‘twin-deck owner area at fore: about 35 sm on the main deck, and more than 40 sm on the lower deck.
In such way, the crew area is shifted longitudinally more at centre and the guest cabins are placed aft. There are 3 crew cabins on the Lower deck, 1 crew cabin on Main deck and Captain cabin on Upper deck. MLC 2006 complying.
The guests cabins area has been optimised for 6 people (3 cabins), but also configuration for 4 or 8 people could be easily considered.
Hall, main saloon and dinner area on Main deck of about 80 sm global.
As external areas, there are an about 85 sm sun exposed in way of Jacuzzi area on the Upper Deck, about 40 sm on Main Deck aft, and additional 50 sm as external dinner area (covered) on the Upper deck.
The concept of lower deck as freeboard deck, will involve the availability of aft and fore mooring areas on the lower deck, fully covered (but of course even open area).
Innovative aft stairs, with passerelle located below to an intermediate platform.
Tender up to 6,0 m could be accommodate at fore.
Main Vessel Characteristics
LOA………………….43,00 m
B (mld)………………..8,80 m
Draught.…………........2,75 m
Displacement…............480 tons
Max Speed…………..13,5 knots
Range@10,5 knots…..3000 nm
Range@ 9,5 knots…..4000 nm
Pure Electric Range.....3 hours@4-5 knots
Crew…………6-7 (MLC 2006 complying)
Power Generation:
DD.GG.……………..3 (or 4), 1250 (or 1300) kW total
Photovoltaic Cells…..20 kW
Batteries…...400 kWh, Lithium NMC, Corvus Energy ltd.
2x SCHOTTEL STP330, 2 Electric Motor x 500 kW, 1800 rpm
2 Fin Stabilizers, Zero Speed, Quantum QC-Fin Blade or MagLift.
Hull and Superstructure Material:
Mild Steel, Extended High Tensile Steel, Reduced Aluminium
Ing. Andrea SplinakisNaval Architect
A3215 Ordine Ingegneri Provincia di Treviso
+39 3457205666
skype: andrea splinakis